Page 23 - karabag raporu eng
P. 23
4. On-Site Examination Performed
by the OICOA Delegation:
Information, Observations, and
Findings Obtained
he on-site examination schedule first started with the official contacts
Theld in Baku. In this context, meetings were held in Baku with the Speak-
er of the National Assembly of Azerbaijan, Ms Sahibe Gafarova, the Assis-
tant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr Hikmet Hajiyev, and
the President of the Board of Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Action,
Mr Vugar Suleymanov. Ms Sahibe Gafarova drew attention to the number of
more than 1 million Azerbaijani citizens who had to leave their homes due to
the occupation of Armenia, and that there are many girls and women in this
population. She emphasised the importance of the aforementioned citizens
being able to return to their own lands, and therefore, the efforts made for re-
building the cities. Mr Hikmet Hajiyev stated in the meeting that they started
to make rapid efforts for rebuilding the regions liberated from the occupa-
tion, and he informed that the region has historical and cultural importance
and that maximum care has been taken and will continue to be taken in these
efforts for the protection of the artefacts, regardless of whom they belong to.
The President of the Board of Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Action
(ANAMA), Mr Vugar Suleymanov, gave information about the activities of the
Board. ANAMA was established in 1999 with the support of the UN Devel-
opment Programme (UNDP) in order to ensure the safe return of displaced
people by destroying mines and other explosive weapons in Azerbaijani
lands, and it was upgraded to the status of “Public Legal Entity” with the
Presidential Decree of 15 January 2021. Within the framework of the infor-
mation shared by the President of ANAMA, Mr Vugar Suleymanov, it was