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The Report on Human Rights Violations Committed by the
                                               Armenian Armed Forces during Azerbaijan & Armenia War   5


            In the first half of the 20  century, humanity had taken two important steps right
            after going through two great World wars, which not only cost the lives of tens
            of millions of people, but also represented an unprecedented catastrophe with
            an aim to end the sufferings of wars as well as to guarantee the right to life for

            everybody. The first step is the ratification of the Universal Declaration of Human
            Rights by the member countries of the United Nations in 1948 while the second
            one is signing of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) by the
            member countries of the European Council two years later, in 1950. Currently,
            there are 193 countries that have signed the UN Universal Declaration of Human
            Rights, while 47 member countries of the European Council are parties to the
            ECHR, and these countries recognize the authority of the European Court of
            Human Rights (ECtHR) established as an institution with the aim of overseeing
            the enforcement of the Convention. Both of these milestone instruments
            guarantee every individual’s fundamental human rights including right to life,
            right to protection, right to physical integrity, right to freedom of thought and
            faith, right to property, right to privacy, and right to vote and stand for election
            without any discrimination notably on grounds of sex, race, colour, language,
            religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, belonging to a

            national minority, wealth, and birth or any other ground.
            Despite such positive developments aiming to protect fundamental human
            rights, particularly the right to life, we have witnessed incidents of crimes against
            humanity in the last three decades and we continue to do so. For instance, one of
            the most ruthless massacres in history was the slaughter of more than two hundred
            thousand Bosnians between 1992 and 1995 right in the middle of Europe, before
            the eyes of the entire World. Another tragic example is killings of over eight

            hundred thousand Tutsis by Hutus in Rwanda in 1994, as a result of attacks which
            lasted for days, again while the entire World was watching and remained silent.
            This black list of examples goes on with the recent or currently on-going incidents
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